Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Speak to people in their "world view"

Sometimes broshures, messaging by words or warnings are not the proper way to deliver your idea.

In Cambodia people get infected with germs contained in the water they drink.  Word warning and explanations that it is dangerous turned to be not effective.

But people like karaoke singing there. So...Think out of the box. 

The video and words of some songs were changed as to world view of those people so they get it quick and right. For example, "you are loving me, I am loving you - so let`s take care of each other and drink healthy filtered water". That worked. Really.

How are you delivering message to your audience ?

Monday, 30 March 2009

An excuse

Finding and expressing excuse is the simplest and easiest way to do. And loosing one.

To create and build really good marketing remarkable campaign, company, product or service needs more time, mental work and focus on the purpose. 

Most of the marketers do not want to that and spend more time on that.  Because they have a plan to boost sales anyhow they can, because boss wants more revenue. They make a lot of noise around using all marketing techniques and as a result they irritate customers who run away from buzz and noise. Speed is not the winning strategy.

They are narrow-minded pro and see only numerical expression of the result - money, profit etc. And use mediocre tactics to achieve.

They do not want to extract time from regular hours because and speeded by corporate policy and rules.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Treating differently

Today`s marketing is a show. 

It is about treating differently - people and your customers. 

And what you do for them.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Naming your company

I feel very optimistic about importance and high priority attention in naming company, business, products. If you really cares about your business - you consider it as your child. Will you name your child with a better name ? The child will leave with it all life, would you like to give your product or business a better name also to live longer ?

There are number of principles to take into consideration when looking for name:
  1. It should be easy to remember
  2. It’s easy to spell and requires no explanation
  3. It describes your business category
  4. It describes your benefit
  5. It describes your difference


  1. It has to be one or two syllables long - no more
  2. Begin with letters early in the alphabet.
  3. Each syllable starts with a strong consonant (B, C, D, G, K, P, Q, T)
  4. Avoid names starting with X and Z.
  5. A great name has the potential to turn into a verb.
  6. It’s fun to say (”…that just rolls off the tongue”)
Sounding different + spelling different + embodying logic = a memorable name )

Friday, 20 March 2009

Your target audience

Your target audience is a group of people who are ready and will 
spread the information of your products and services around. To other people. 

These are the most valuable people for the growth of your business. 

And you should take care of them first.                                                                                                                                                                            

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

The essence of marketing

One of the purpose of marketing in your organasation MUST be building relationships with stakeholders, those are relationships, must bring revenue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Friday, 13 March 2009

The front line MARKETING

What makes people think good about your company and what not ?

As for me, the way person replies on the other end of the phone, or how you are emailed back. I do not mean only corporate politeness, standart speech scripts and smiliness, but a feeling and readiness that someone from the company can devote a part of her time to answer your questions. And acts like this.

Two examples: I called one company regarding the position they posted on the jobsite. I was frustrated with the answer that they do not disclose any info on the position via phone. I still do not get a point. Another example (in second company) made me happy - the HR lady spent around 15 mins talking to me. I got a long-lasting impression. Why not spend "n" mins and spread that all candidates are welcomed and respected ?

I am sure it is better to leave an impression than frustration. It is DNA of Marketing in your organasation. Inspire staff with the importance of it.

Teach the frontline people be the marketers !