Sunday, 19 April 2009

What is marketing 2.1 ?

Marketing is an activity to make profits by communicating with the markets.

Old anecdote on marketing

  1. Why did the marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (He died)
  2. Why did the second marketer fall from the palm-tree ?
    (He saw the unique opportunity to die and died)
  3. Why did the third marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (He considered this is a new market trend and died)
  4. Why did the fourth marketer fall from the palm-tree ?
    (He was sure that previous 3 marketers knew what to do and died)
  5. Why did the fifth marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (Because fourth marketer decided to share risk with him and grab him by the hand)
  6. Why did the sixth marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (To write a book how to fall effectively from the palm-tree)
  7. Why d0 all other marketers fall from the palm-tree?
    (They study marketing by book of the sixth marketer)

Thursday, 2 April 2009

The one tip for the SEO

There are huge number of SEO wesites, articles, people right away who are sharing ideas, views and opinions on how to top your website. They are giving 10, 20, 30 tips how to be at least top 3 in the list.

Actually there is only ONE tip that will always work for your website. Create and fill it with useful, practical, interesting and inspiring content. Content is a thing that make people lean or unlean from your website. It will bring links, people, customers and money.

As always, Content is a King !

The issue with your main business card

The website is your main business card (always was actually).  It is the face of your buisness. 

What faces do you like most of all ? Clean, white, beautiful, smily and positive ? Nice and easy to communicate with ?

What about the face of your business ? The firts issue - start with caring about it. 

It will make people trust you. And may be make a deal with you.