Sunday, 19 April 2009

Old anecdote on marketing

  1. Why did the marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (He died)
  2. Why did the second marketer fall from the palm-tree ?
    (He saw the unique opportunity to die and died)
  3. Why did the third marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (He considered this is a new market trend and died)
  4. Why did the fourth marketer fall from the palm-tree ?
    (He was sure that previous 3 marketers knew what to do and died)
  5. Why did the fifth marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (Because fourth marketer decided to share risk with him and grab him by the hand)
  6. Why did the sixth marketer fall from the palm-tree?
    (To write a book how to fall effectively from the palm-tree)
  7. Why d0 all other marketers fall from the palm-tree?
    (They study marketing by book of the sixth marketer)

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