I feel very optimistic about importance and high priority attention in naming company, business, products. If you really cares about your business - you consider it as your child. Will you name your child with a better name ? The child will leave with it all life, would you like to give your product or business a better name also to live longer ?
There are number of principles to take into consideration when looking for name:
- It should be easy to remember
- It’s easy to spell and requires no explanation
- It describes your business category
- It describes your benefit
- It describes your difference
- It has to be one or two syllables long - no more
- Begin with letters early in the alphabet.
- Each syllable starts with a strong consonant (B, C, D, G, K, P, Q, T)
- Avoid names starting with X and Z.
- A great name has the potential to turn into a verb.
- It’s fun to say (”…that just rolls off the tongue”)
Sounding different + spelling different + embodying logic = a memorable name )
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